The Sample Space

Melanie Browne


When did you carve it
The sample space in that tree of
cylindrical bands of
strands and threads and chains
water wings and strings
and things

columns of trees = trees of columns
a perceptual switch
spirals and loops and
connected synapses

Like the ancient dendrochronologist
Incise the lines of Saturn
trace them back to the ghost armies
a roulette wheel of probability &

a pragmatic decree of truth

when did you carve it
the sample space in my soul
that grew with the rings of the sycamore tree
and has no predictable outcome


Melanie Browne has been writing a lot of poetry lately. Her poetry can be found in Pocket Change, Mad Swirl, Heroin Love Songs, Poetry Superhighway and The Commonline Project.  She has poems forthcoming in  Eviscerator Heaven, Clockwise Cat and Word Riot. She is a native Texan and lives in Houston.

